Friday, October 28, 2011

A Breath from the past

This series, that I intend to write with some consistency in this blog, will be all about those routines from the past that are always worth seeing once more.

In this first edition I am going to go with routines that embody everything I hold dear about gymnastics: elegance, power, style, and beauty.

There could not a be a post about iconic routines in gymnastics if there was no mention of Nadia Comaneci. Her perfect 10s became then and remain now the hallmark of the sport. Many have argued that we will never see perfect 10s again because of the open ended scoring system. I have my doubts as the recent score system has been such a disaster that who knows, someone might decide to have some balls for a change and fix this mess.

While we wait, let's enjoy some beautiful work:

I absolute love Silivas, her gymnastics just has this essence, this joy that is absolutely contagious. This was a era of bright shining starts and Silivas performances managed to come through through all that light.

Speaking of expressiveness Oksana Omelianchik is probably one of the most underrated USSR champions. This 1987 FX is just great, it has a quality of movement, a strength even in the smallest of the dance bits that is really outstanding. In the beginning when the music hits a high and she hits her hand on the floor it is just great.

Ecaterina Szabo was also overshadowed, this time by a bunch of politics. But she was also great, and I always like going back to her routines. Her smile at the end of this routine is contagious.

Natalya Yurchenko: We hear her name so many times these days in competition because of the class of vaults that she made famous, but many don't know who she was. Her gymnastics was beautiful and so stylish.

Olesya Dudnik was another genius. She was so light and her gymnastics still takes my breath away.

There are so many great routines by these gymnasts that it is difficult to pick just a few, but here is the first breath from the past.

More soon!

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