I have conformed myself with the fact that the code of points has screwed us over and dance is just not a priority! It is what it is and I appreciate that at least there is still enough styles left out there to make for some good FX.
Aly Raisman: Now here this girl has it and a bit to spare. Her tumbling is fabulous and she is so consistent she should give some away to other people that need it (yes Afan I am looking at you!). She did not throw the front tuck in connection to her first pass in TQ, but did so in AA, so I am confident she will throw it here upping her SV from 6.2 just a little bit and pulling farther away from the rest of the competition. Her form here is much better than beam, her triple twist says it all... and even her leaps are a little better and can pass as 180 degree. Her choreo could use some work, but it is much better than last year and I am happy with it I have to say. If she could only crack a smile a la Bross 2010 I would be 100% on board with her win. (One note: Dear Brestyan, I cannot believe you cannot hire someone to teach Aly a turn that is worth a damn!?). Last year I wanted her to medal, because her routine was clean and right on and she ended up in the worst spot: 4th! This year I am ruling for her to be on the podium.
Sui Lu: Love her! She has been so consistent in this championships for her team that I am really hoping she can put it together for herself and walk out of today with 2 medals on her neck. I like this routine and it reminds me of Cheng Fei, not a lot of dance, but some intensity. And most importantly of all, she STICKS LANDINGS and I like it! She needs to hit and make it big an beautiful and I am confident the judges are going to love it. (Note: The socks are not really cute, but whatever helps you hit Sui Lu!)
Difficulty: 5.9
Jordyn Weiber: This is a good routine for Weiber and it is where she took the AA gold. Like Raisman this choreo is not great, but a big improvement from her previous attempts and at least she sells it, it is more than we can say for others. The third pass: two and a half twist to punch layout has been giving her some problems, in the TQ she had a strange wobble and nearly sat it down, and in the subsequent attempts she went OOB. She needs to hit that and hopefully stick the landings if she hopes to medal because the competition here is stiffer than it seems (especially with Lauren Mitchell back in it!). One thing that I have to say I hate in this routine is the triple turn: it is ugly and sloppy, just because she stays up on the toes does not mean she should get full credit for that.
Difficulty: 6.0
Jinnan Yao: she is a fire cracker and this routine shows that, the double layout at the top is great and the triple twist is extremely clean. I like this music, usually the Chinese have these Asian elevator music, but this routine by Yao has spunk and I think is a great choice for her. Her double Memmel turn is awesome. She has lower difficulty, 5.8, and needs to be perfect and hope that some other people falter.
Vika Komova: This routine has not been working for Vika, it is a shame because it is beautiful and she has great choreo, but she does not seem to have the stamina for it and she seems frustrated by the pain in her calves and the mistakes she has been making. I am ruling for her to go clean so she can feel good about herself, but even if she does I don't think she can medal here without some mistakes from others. In qualifying she had a pretty good routine with only one low landing on the double pike and still it was only good enough for 5th. Her difficulty is 5.9 and is higher than Yao, but her E scores has not been up there. She also could use selling this routine with her face a bit more, Khorkina kept her face in character no matter what was going on in the routine, Vika could use that!
Vanessa Ferrari: Now this is who I am really want to win. Last year I thought she threw a great routine, stuck every landing and did not medal. THIS IS SOOO WRONG! But she came back with a vengeance this year with a higher difficulty. Her choreo is not outstanding as some, but it has always been well put together and she sells it. Her difficulty is currently 5.8, but there are rumors that she will throw a more difficult routine than that, and if she can keep her clean performance, she is going to be one to reckon with. She has always had a natural feel for sticking those landing and this can really be her golden ticket in this final.
Beth Twedle: I like Beth and her tumbling and she is super clean, which is a huge must in my book, but I have to say her choreography, or lack there of, bothers me a bit... They have worked hard on finding music and movements that suit her and try to make it work, but I am still not a fan. Nevertheless I have a lot of respect for this woman and I am always happy when she medals. She needs to get a top notch routine going on and she needs to work on those leaps, hard! Because they look iffy to me and she cannot afford any deductions.
Diana Bulimar should be here, but unfortunately she got hurt... all the best of luck to this lovely Romanian gymnast. The wild card then is...
Lauren Mitchell: She is lucky to get in here, but nevertheless she has a lot to give. She had a bad qualifying day, not just on floor but all around, however she delivered a huge routine in AA and showed she can score really high and challenge for the medals. The code whoring is insane in this routine with leaps after every single pass, but she pulls it off and I say more power to her.
She has a great routine in her hands (side note: girl, get that leap half turn to split for crying it out loud!). When I first saw this choreography I thought it was tragic and was wondering what the hell had gotten into Adriana Pop, but it grew on me, and apparently it also grew on Lauren and she is performing it much better now. Her difficulty in TQ was 6.2 like Raisman's, but she, like others, can upgrade.
This is going to be a great day of finals and I am asking baby Jesus for 16 hit routines and for the best gymnast to win!
This what I am really sad about:
1. Ana Progras: I like this routine and I really would have liked to see her in the final. She did not make any finals this year and that is just depressing to me...
2. Knesia Afanasyeva: Why, why can you not hit for yourself? I just like her floor sooo much, and this year's routine particularly I think has something so great going on that it saddens me deeply that she is not in this final. Last year she was in the final and could not put it together when it counted, this year a low double pike in TQ was her undoing and now we are not going to get to see this beautiful routine. I hope, really hope she is going to the Olympic next year, because although she does not hit for herself, she has delivered time and time again for her team. Afan has more than simply artistry, she has a style all of her own and the uniqueness of it really captivates me.
3. Mariya Livchikova: Mariya is beautiful and her floor is out of this world. When she got hurt I just threw my hands in the air, finally I thought an Ukrainian that was going to come and hit and take a medal, but it was not to be.
More soon!
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