In Classical times the Greeks used to conceptualize the true, the good and the beautiful as one and the same. What was true had to be essentially good and beautiful. The disjunctive nature of modernity has changed it all, and gymnastics is no exception.
The results:

The true: the WAG competition two days ago was a splatfest full of odd, sad and at times delightful surprises.
As I had predicted bars was a problem for nearly everyone in this competition, the good routines were few and far between. Special mention to Caquatto of the US that finally managed to put a somewhat clean routine together and as expected landed at the top of the EF chart on this event. If she can repeat this performance she will easily take the gold, however, we know that consistency isn't her forte so Johnson and Lee are certainly in contention here. Elsa Garcia had also a routine I saw and enjoyed.
Beam was a disaster for most, the gold medal winners included. The Canadians somehow managed to do OK, but Peng-peng Lee fell and it is sad that she will not be in the final. Again on floor, and this is really were I think they secured the silver, and even near challenged for the gold, the Canadians really brought in something other teams did not. I hope Gerber and Vaculik can keep it up and take medals at the final. Ana Lago, and Garcia of Mexico have beautiful routines, I hope they give a good showing.
This team event was in no way what I expected. I missed the presence of Jessica Lopez on top, I really think she could have challenged in this competition. And overall I thought there were just too many mistakes. Of course this date right after worlds is crazy and nobody can ask more of these girls, however, some of them were well rested and should have done more for themselves (Yes, USA I am looking at you and at you only!)
The good: The smaller teams shined here. Mexico, Colombia and Canada (who many doubted before the Worlds at Tokyo) showed one thing that I truly admire: perseverance... They had tricky moments, but kept strong and did not allow it to get away from them. I am very happy for Mexico for being able to deliver at home, they were outstanding and came through. The audience was behind them 100% and they did not disappoint with some beautiful routines by Lago, Salazar, and Garcia, even with the latter's struggles.
Vault! This final will be exciting, I thought it was going to be the most competitive final to get in, and it was. Who made it truly delivered two good vaults and is in contention for medals. It is also democratic having a little bit of everything. Pena Abreu qualified with a easier and more secure vault, if she can have better landings on the two of them she can certainly go up. Jay did very well, she deserves her position here, and a medal, as she is one of the US girls I thought came through for her team when it counted.
The not so beautiful: The USA as expected won the team event, but it was not, by any means, pretty! I admit I was extremely disappointed and not at the rookies. Jay, DeZiel and McLaughlin did what they came to do. They had mistakes, but they got their part done. On the other hand, I don't really know what Bridget Sloan is thinking right now, but if I was her I was thinking early entrance at Florida, because she is just F%$$@#. Team USA could have not won without Johnson's two scores in the 14.000s, yet this was a subpar performance by her, she looked in shape and focused, yet she let it get away from her in the middle there somewhere. Caquatto delivered on bars, but two scores in the 12.000s is unacceptable for a gymnast of her caliber and with her aspirations. Martha did not think this competition was important enough and these girls worthy of her presence in Guadalajara... And unfortunately, they proved her right. Caquatto has a chance to redeem herself in the finals taking medals on bars and the AA. I don't know if this will suffice to get her stock up in the US run for London, but she needs to at least try.
The Brazilian team had an absolute meltdown. Bars has never been quite their strong suit, but this was just bad. On floor, a event that should have been better for them, they did not deliver, their beam was shaky. Truth is that they needed Barbosa and they needed to believe in it a bit more. Fifth was not in their plans and I hope this does not derail them as they prepare for the Test Event in London in January, they cannot afford another performance like this one.
I have however one name that epitomized the unity of the foundational concepts of classical society in the modern era: ANA SOFIA GOMES PORRAS.
I had heard about her before, and seen some solid work from her, but this gymnasts from Guatemala brought it all to the floor in this competition and delivered a truly good and beautiful example of gymnastics. She did have mistakes, but unlike 90% of the field she came to play and fought for it, and I admire that tremendously. I have became a fan for life. I hope she pulls it again and takes the gold here, I love what she stands for: an upcoming gymnastic country, a consistent, quiet achiever delivering under pressure and aiming at a place in London.
Dear Sofia, I am ashamed to say that I had not given you the attention you deserved in my preview posts for this competition, or in my day to day investigation of gymnastics. This will be a mistake I will not repeat, I don't think people will be able to overlook you much longer. In a mess fest of a competition you were one of the few that really shined, hope this is one of many great competitions for you.
Somebody explain this score to me?!?! I have already complained about the insane TQ scoring at Tokyo, this one is clearly one of those moments of craziness by a bunch of people that although do this for a living seem to not be able to keep it straight half of the time.
She really improved this routine in Guadalajara and she looked elated when her score came out.
She needs to work on this bar routine a bit more in the next year. This is where she was not so great in this competition. In the AA if she can just clean it up a bit and score solidly in this event, this will be a big win for her.
The two Canadians: Lee and Vaculik are also right there. Lee struggle on beam so her score can certainly go up, the same goes for Vaculik on bars. Team Canada had some great competition here and I am sure they would like to top it off with some individual medals, and these girls certainly deserve it. I was rooting for Canada to take the gold in the end, I think they performed closer to their capability than the US. Again the score has stuck us with some unfortunate result. Good for the US girls that actually did their jobs though.
Can we expect to see gymnastics that is true, good and beautiful, or is that ideal as lost in gymnastics as it is in modern politics, ethics and aesthetics? I just hope not.
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