Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ana Porgras

Ana Porgras in Tokyo 2011

When I watched the AA competition at these year's worlds I was not really drawn to Ana Porgras' floor exercise routine. Last year I just really appreciated her balletic and stylish routine, but this year I was so absorbed in the Weiber/Komova debacle that I just looked right through Ana's routine. Now, with a little bit of perspective, I have been able to really look at this exercise. And you know what: I like it! I think it has a very enthralling intensity. The clasp of the hands in the beginning and the nicely hit notes in the music really have won me over. Of course I would have loved it even more with better landings on the last two passes and better legs on that double layout, but I find Ana's turns and leaps very good and I like her artistry and expression. She has great arms, good extension and nice legs and feet.
I hope Bellu/Bitang take it easy on her and let her artistry on beam and floor shine through a little more. Here are her two routines from Rotterdam and Tokyo.

Try to ignore the NBC commentators, they are complete dumbasses and it does not improve from one year to the other. As a matter of fact it has not improved in the last decade and it is not looking like they are going to get rid of them any time soon. I usually watch the competitions on mute because Al Trautwig, Tim Dagget, and Elfi Schlegel's stupidity just makes me nauseous, but on floor because of the music, you just have to work with it. I was happy that the Universal feed this year was the international one so it was with the British commentators that I actually do not think are that awful.

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